Khmer star – Kim Liza (គឹម លីហ្សា) was born in 01 January 1988 in Siem Reap province. She is singer star and actress star both in Karaoke and Khmer Drama. She used to be a singer at Ty-Krong Meas (Gold City) restaurant. She stars in the movies such as “Trung Meas Baksey Sne”, “Arb Kalip 2009″, “Sokun Terayuk Lorng Bas Sork”, “La-Morm Hey Na Lok Pdey” and other movies.
When Alex Chantra famous Cambodian singer and actress broken love with Chhayly Dalen Cambodia women and Cambodain Singer, Suddenly have news about famous Khmer singer Kim Lyza replacement position of Chhayly Dalen in Alex Chantra's heart.
Super cute singer star Kim Liza, she used to have a rumor about investment nearly million-dollar in guest-house that got supported by a Cambodian rich man.